Larken Pictures

I came into the lab on Tuesday July 26th and took pictures of Larken’s histology samples. I was able to get through ½ of the samples (n=50), and took pictures on 4x, 10x, and 40x. I labeled all the pictures and tried to upload them to this owl file. However, I ran out of time and was not able to add all of them to the file - I will continue uploading them when I return next week to finish taking the rest of the pictures.

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Staging for Matt Part 2

I worked on staging diploid and triploid oyster samples for Matt. I took pictures of each H&E slide under a microscope under 4x, 10x, and 100x magnifications and recorded findings in this google sheet.

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Tidymodels Resampling Tutorial Videos (3)

Hi everyone, I finished going through Tidymodels tutorial 3 (random forest models and resampling), and thought it would be helpful to create some videos going through it step by step. I hope this is useful for those that have not run through the tutorial on their own but want to access specific information from the tutorial. :)

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Tidymodels Recipe Tutorial Videos (2)

I ran through the Tidymodels recipe tutorial and thought it would be very helpful to create some videos that talked through it so that people could access information about the tutorial without having to run through it completely. I highly suggest watching them at 1.5x speed, I talk quite slowly lol!

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Tidymodels "Build a Model" Tutorial Videos (1)

Hi everyone, welcome to Tidymodels tutorial 1 - this was the shortest and simplest tutorial, so the videos reflect that. The later tutorials are more in-depth and interesting :). In these videos, I pretty much just walk through the first tutorial since there is not a lot of interpretation or explanation to be done. If you are familiar with creating a logistic regression model in R, feel free to skip to the second tutorial which introduces writing a recipe in order to preprocess your data for a model.

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Nightingales metadata code

I created a table and figure to represent the data in the Nightingales datasheet. I have included the code so that the figure and table can be updated in the lab notebook when data is added to Nighingales.

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Ran through network graph tutorial. I was able to duplicate what they did on the tutorial and change the formatting of the figure slightly, but I am not certain that I would be able to duplicate the method of creating nodes and edges in a new dataset. However, I’m always willing to try!

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Spent a couple hours going through the lab handbook in detail and kept notes here. I double checked all URLs and checked grammar/comprehensibility, etc. Got through the majority of the lab culture section.

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Hi all, lab entry 1! I was hired onto the Roberts Lab team a few days ago and spent today creating my lab notebook, going through the lab handbook, and completing the Covid-19 back to work training.

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